On a quick note, I've been home to visit my parents in northern Illinois for Deep Fried Turkey day and imagine my surprise when, on the train, I overheard one couple talking at length about "HCI" (Human Computer Interaction), yet another couple talking about usability testing and a group of teens discussing the viability of the Facebook model over Myspace. It was as if everyone was discussing just about everything I've learned in the last year at SLIS and the relevancy of my degree hit me right square in the face! Very exciting and at the same time a little weird.
Anyhoo, at the last event it was announced that the Potomac Valley Chapter of ASIS&T has started a blog as well so I thought this a great opportunity to plug that AND to point everyone to this nice little slideshow on the topic of blogging communities from the ASIS&T Annual Meeting. It's short and to the point for all of us OD'ing on tryptophan!
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