Friday, December 11, 2009
Impress Your Professor: Study
We'll see you all next semester.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Finals Fun
Friday, December 4, 2009
Impress Your Professor: Digitization Without Fear
In the first, our Washingtonian neighbor George Washington University is experimenting with an automated digitization system to determine whether a specially designed robot is faster and more cost-efficient at digitizing rare books than human page-turners. Rare Middle Eastern texts from GWU and Georgetown libraries will be the first texts digitized this way, and GWU plans to share its findings with libraries that might be considering a similar system.
Visual reproduction isn't the only form of digitization in the news this week. Audio reproduction of texts got a rare mention. Librarians at California State University-Dominguez Hills realized that the text-to-audio feature of their Kurzweil 3000 software for the visually impaired could be used to allow all students to turn texts into mp3s. Now 17 machines have been set up on campus for this purpose.
There are surely copyright concerns that will arise from all this, but it's a step in the right direction. It's nice to see people writing and thinking about technology in libraries with optimism instead of fear.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Be Professional
What does it mean to be the new librarian?
Now With Sidearms... of books!
A cops parody
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Open Sesame
A case for open internet.
The Internet - In a box!
I can't embed this video, but follow the link for hilarity.
The IT Crowd - Series 3 (The Internet)
Friday, November 13, 2009
Impress Your Professor: Lose the Books
NPR quotes the schools Academic Dean as stating, "Part of our desire to move in this direction is to meet the students where they are most comfortable... And it's our responsibility as well to help students understand the emerging technologies that they are going to be faced with."
But with great new power comes great responsibility. (Oh, Spiderman.) This week, NPR also posted a story about a Vision Group requesting that a school stop buying Kindles until Amazon comes up with better way to turn on the vocal reading option.
So, my question to everyone is, how do we continue to move forward with our digital and electronic tools without leaving people behind?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Impress Your Professor: Unprepared
So, here I sit, blanking on any information to type. I could discuss more about Google Wave (named after a communications method from my beloved and bygone space cowboy show Firefly), but it's been done and will continue to be done. I could peruse the ASIST journal and bulletin for articles, but I'm not in the mood. Ultimately, I've decided to do what most people do when they're stuck: procrastinate.
(1 hour later)
Success! In my procrastination, I decided to clean out my e-mail files. Look what I came across: Library101.
A large part of working in an academic library is teaching to undergraduates. We have to make the library look all sorts of awesome while still teaching them how to use all our (awesome!) tools and resources. Library101 offers a (somewhat hokey) crash course in what it means to remain relevant in a changing and technologically innovative society.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Overload, Part II
Just how much overload is overload?
The Cure?
Has anyone found Bing to be the cure to IO?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Hey, at least they're saving trees!
USA Today reports that the Massachusetts school began removing its print collection entirely last summer and replaced it with a fully digital collection accessible through Kindle readers and through databases on student laptops. A few books still remain, but those are also slated to be removed.
Format may be less important than content, and getting reliable resources into the hands of the patron is goal number one, but is putting faith in a proprietary system this early in a very competitive game really wise? It's a question for the accountants. Is it cheaper to upgrade this technology if and when it gets outpaced by its (possibly open source) competitors than it is to wait? And from a research standpoint, has content been recreated digitally, or has it simply been replaced by something more palatable to high schoolers?
Whether or not it helps the school's bottom line, it does show that libraries are willing to grow with the culture and embrace technologies that will expand the information and services they are able to offer. It's a bold step forward by a boarding school that, USA Today tells us, was the first in the US to admit both boys and girls.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Overstuffed
How does it affect you?
Do You Suffer From IOS?
Side affects include...
Friday, October 23, 2009
Impress Your Professor: Search Me
What's your preferred search style?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
EVENT: National Meeting Preview
INCLUDED: Dinner will be provided
Speakers Include:
Trudi Hahn
"The Information Connection in Times of Crisis"
A report of a federally funded project to study roles for public libraries in serving the information needs of their communities in times of disasters.
Joe Hourcle
"Interoperability in the Space Sciences"
To deal with the highly heterogeneous data needs, NASA has funded the creation of a number of specialized "Virtual Observatories" (VxOs) in the space sciences. This presentation discusses these original VxOs, as well as phenonomena based VxOs such as the Virtual Waves Observatory (VWO), browseable directories such as the Virtual Space Physics Observatory (VSPO), standardization efforts between the VxOs such as the Space Physics Archive Search and Extract (SPASE) and the associated query language SPASE-QL, as well as related international efforts.
Joan Lussky
"Social tags and other kinds of subject access occurring library catalogs"
WHEN: Monday, October 26, 2009
TIME: 6:30 - 8:30pm
LOCATION: Catholic University of America
May Gallery, John K. Mullen Library
620 Michigan Ave., N.E., Washington , DC 20064
Campus Map:
METRO: Brookland/CUA station, red line.
$10 ASIS&T Members
$15 Non-members
$5 Students
Have a friend in ASIS&T? Attend the meeting with him/her and attend at the member cost!
RSVP by: Friday, October 23, 2009 (5pm)
YouTube Tuesday: Catch the Wave
A brief overview of the new Google program.
Make Waves @ Your Library
An animated short
Friday, October 16, 2009
Impress Your Professor: Google vs. Amazon, Sunday Sunday Sunday!
An article in Wired magazine details the announcement made Thursday at the Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany. Five years after launching Google Books, the company plans to start selling e-books and put itself in direct competition with Amazon's Kindle and Sony's Reader. Editions users could buy e-books from Google directly or from other booksellers such as Barnes and Noble or Amazon and read them on any device with a Web browser, including smartphones.
Will Google Editions books on your phone be the Kindle killer that some expect?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Voracious Reader
A tutorial on a circulation self-service station.
I Read them All!
A kid has read all the children's books in the library.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Impress Your Professor: Usenet Cautionary Tale
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Library! Literacy
You can never get too much... or can you?
Library! Library!
Warning: Ear worm ahead.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Impress Your Professor: You want books? Go to Barnes and Noble!
CNN posted an interesting article a few weeks back about Library 2.0. Yeah, yeah, I know this topic has been widely covered in academic and library circles, but this was the first time I had seen a story of this type in the mainstream media. CNN covers a story that we are already aware of and have heard before, but it does it in such a way that our users can understand.
So - in this age of 2.0 - how do we rebrand ourselves as tech enthusiasts in a way that excites both ourselves and our users?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Literacy
A brief overview to a new definition of literacy
Muppet in the Library
Work those shooshing fingers.
ASIST Meeting Reminder
As extra incentive, we've got information about a scholarship (the money kind!) available to SLIS students.
See you there!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Impress Your Professor: Technical Flu
With the pig sickness cause great panic (thank you local television news) and the seasonal flu about to kick in, I thought it was about to time show you all the procrastination tool that is Google Flu Trends. While you all go check to see if the illness is lurking on your block, I'll point out that Google has just created a brilliant use of information search technology. This website employs an algorithm that tracks people searching for terms that match flu symptoms. Google then works their magic to extrapolate the data to create charts determining how the flu is striking specific geographic areas.
Cool. I know.
But there is a bigger picture to be seen here, beyond Google and beyond the flu. In putting together their colorful charts and graphs, Google is not only showing that information can be useful, they are also showing that information can be beautiful.
To check out more information displayed in helpful and gorgeous ways, I highly recommend checking out the website Information is Beautiful.
Stay well everybody, the semester has just begun.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
MEETING POSTONED: Moved to Wednesday, September 30
Sorry for the inconvenience.
PVC- ASIST Student Award
The Potomac Valley Chapter of ASIS&T will award seven student memberships to students enrolled in an information science education program. The memberships are good for a one-year period and students may apply again for this annual award. The deadline for submission is October 24, 2009.
1. Accepted or enrolled in the graduate (master’s or doctoral) information science programs at the Catholic University of America or the University of Maryland. Please include an acceptance letter or contact information to verify enrollment.
2. A statement 100 words or less addressing how ASIS&T will benefit your career and how you will contribute to ASIST&T locally or nationally. Consult the website at Review the list of Special Interest Groups (SIG) at and identify a SIG that you would like to join.
3. Completed ASIS&T membership application available at
Send a completed awards application package to either mail or e-mail address below:
Jeff Prater
2059 Huntington Ave #805
Alexandria, VA 22303
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
YouTube Tuesday:
An overview of Open Access and scientific publication.
And They All Fell Down
The world's longest book domonios? Check it out.
Impress Your Professor: Google Books Settlement
Who do you think should control the digital library?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
CUA ASIST Meeting!
All SLIS students are encouraged to attend. Light refreshments will be served.
This meeting will be a brainstorming session for the semester. Please let us know what events you'd like to see this semester and if you're interested in a leadership position.
See you there!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Google Dance
An overview of Google Books and their take on the settlement with authors and publishers.
Just Dance
Librarian: An Interpretative Dance
Friday, September 11, 2009
Impress Your Professor: The Web and Us
While Crumlish lays out a structured list of dos, donts, and shoulds, I was struck most by the philosophical tone of parts of the article. Social media is not just an application, people use it discover concepts of self-identity. On the web, we can personalize anything and everything. The web is no longer a "thing" we visit. It's become a place where we create extensions of our personal selves. We form new communities that reflect back on our lives outside of the social web.
Crumlish's article is chock-full of good stuff - take a look!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Late Start
Old School
This (admittedly wonky) video gets a post for two reasons: it's hilarious and its a look back at information literacy.
Delicious Books
An oldie but a goodie.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
SLIS August 29th New School Year Picnic
All Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni and Friends Are Invited To
A Welcome the New School Year
BBQ and Pot Luck
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Noon to 4 p.m.
Marist Hall Lawn
A Time to Socialize with Your Teachers, Fellow Students and Those Who Have Gone Before!
Join the fun by bringing a side dish or dessert to share
—but all are invited!
(To tell us you are coming and if you can bring something.)
Sponsored by
The School of Library and Information Science
& the SLIS Alumni Association Board
Monday, August 3, 2009
Welcome to CUA!
Hello new SLIS students and welcome to the School of Library and Information Science at The Catholic University of America. We are happy to have you!
As a reminder, please mark your calendar for the following important date:
New SLIS Graduate Student Orientation
Friday, August 28, 3:00-6:30 pm
Information Commons, Room 132 Marist Hall
| Agenda · Welcome to SLIS · Obtain parking passes and student identification cards · Visit Mullen Library · SLIS Faculty Panel and Q&A · Dinner (please RSVP) · Student organization representatives for SLIS students |
Please visit for directions to campus and a campus map.
Please RSVP for the New Student Orientation by responding to this email. We look forward to meeting you!
Thank you.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Stop Studying
Baby Thinks Literature is Delicious
So that's how babies get fiber...
Librarians and Their Cats
If only this job existed.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Impress Your Professors...One Last Time Before the Summer!!
Disney just purchased a 30% stake in Hulu, making Hulu even more of a powerhouse (CBS is the only major network not yet a partner) and leading to speculation that this influx of funds may lead to Hulu going mobile! Rumors are flying that Hulu is developing an iPhone app. Maybe soon there will be TV on your iPod?
Speaking of iPhones, do you read books on yours? Recent data shows that the fastest growing category of apps is eBooks (285% in the last three months)!
And just for fun...did you know birds can dance?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Hide and Seek
A brief introduction on what information Google collects, how it is used, and how it relates to privacy.
Peek a Book
Hide and Seek in the Library
Friday, April 24, 2009
Impress Your Professor: I'm in love...with viewzi
I'm not sure exactly when Cupid shot me with the love arrow but I'm thinking it has something to do with how fresh viewzi seems to me. It's just a different way to look at results from a web search. I would highly recommend people play around with the Google timeline feature. Instead of me writing more about the search engine I'll just give you all some videos to watch. ENJOY!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Go Global
A teaser trailer for the World Digital Library
X Marks the Spot
The library is a treasure
Monday, April 20, 2009
EVENT: Registration Ends Soon!
As social media technologies continue to advance, how will the effects of these innovations be experienced by musicians, their audiences, and the information professionals who organize music? While websites ranging from iTunes to MySpace to last The Potomac Valley Chapter of ASIS&T is pleased to bring you local musicians, information professionals, and music experts on a lively panel discussion about the many fascinating issues that the Information Age brings to music and its analysis. Panelists (Invited):
WHEN: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 TIME: Dinner 6:30 - 7:00pm; Panel Discussion 7:00 - 8:30pm LOCATION: Catholic University of America, May Gallery For registration and more information, click here See you there, Jeff Prater Chair, PVC-ASIST Tiffany Smith Vice-Chair, PVC-ASIST Kathleen Mahoney Chair, CUA-ASIST |
Friday, April 17, 2009
Impress Your Professor: Map This!
While Oxley goes into more technical aspects of how Web 2.0 and geography work together, the first thing I thought of was RFID technology. Wouldn't be cool if you could, one day, log on to Google Books and see exactly where in the world a specific text was. Not just the library, but the exact shelf.
Then again, this same technology could turn BookCrossing into a stalker's paradise.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
EVENT: Beats and Bytes: Music and Creativity in the Information Age
As social media technologies continue to advance, how will the effects of these innovations be experienced by musicians, their audiences, and the information professionals who organize music? While websites ranging from iTunes to MySpace to last The Potomac Valley Chapter of ASIS&T is pleased to bring you local musicians, information professionals, and music experts on a lively panel discussion about the many fascinating issues that the Information Age brings to music and its analysis. Panelists (Invited):
WHEN: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 TIME: Dinner 6:30 - 7:00pm; Panel Discussion 7:00 - 8:30pm LOCATION: Catholic University of America, May Gallery For registration and more information, click here See you there, Jeff Prater Chair, PVC-ASIST Tiffany Smith Vice-Chair, PVC-ASIST Kathleen Mahoney Chair, CUA-ASIST |
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Government and Libraries
A brief introduction
Need to Escape!
Even the Agents don't mess with the librarian.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
EVENT: Beats and Bytes: Music and Creativity in the Information Age
As social media technologies continue to advance, how will the effects of these innovations be experienced by musicians, their audiences, and the information professionals who organize music? While websites ranging from iTunes to MySpace to and Pandora abound, how can you best navigate these spaces ethically while discovering new talent or learning more about favorite genres? What's now, and what's next?
The Potomac Valley Chapter of ASIS&T is pleased to bring you local musicians, information professionals, and music experts on a lively panel discussion about the many fascinating issues that the Information Age brings to music and its analysis.
Panelists (Invited):
* Brent Burton
* Raul DeLeon
* Ben Licciardi
* Michael Pahn
* Ginger Richards
WHEN: Tuesday, April 28, 2009
TIME: Dinner 6:30 - 7:00pm; Panel Discussion 7:00 - 8:30pm
LOCATION: Catholic University of America, May Gallery
For registration and more information, click here
See you there,
Jeff Prater
Tiffany Smith
Vice-Chair, PVC-ASIST
Kathleen Mahoney
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Spacey
See the creation of a book
Books Are The Law
Because technology fails
Friday, April 3, 2009
Impress Your Professor... Mobile Trends.
So late last year I caved and joined the hordes of people that have become iPhone users. Yeah yeah, sit there and roll your eyes about how awful Apple is blah blah blah... but this thing has CHANGED MY LIFE! You can do anything and everything with it. Now I don't want this post to become an Apple love fest so I will add that I have several friends that have other variations on the smartphone - Blackberry, Palm, etc. They all say the same thing - "How did I do anything before I got my (insert smartphone here)?". Now I'm not stuipd, I know some of you are sitting there reading this saying that you don't own a smartphone. Guess what - you will someday. Whether you like it or not, you will. They're becoming cheaper and easier to acquire. I was you, I told myself that I'd never get a smartphone but I did. It'll happen.
Obviously the point of this post was to direct you all to the fact that our users are not only online but they're also online everywhere they can get some bars on their phones. Can you hear me now? Yep I can hear you now, I can see your reference text message, I can see you checking our catalog from your phone, I can see you requesting a book from us, I can see you using the library from your phone. Awesome! Anyway, check out cnet's coverage of CTIA Wireless. Look what's coming out and be amazed people. These are the phones of the near future: CTIA Wireless Coverage.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Sing for your Stacks
A tour of the music library at the University of Florida
Symphonic Shelves
The stacks are haunted?
Friday, March 27, 2009
Impress Your Professor...Open Access
Also, Gmail's fifth birthday is coming up next week on April 1. Keep an eye out for new features!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Competition
How library's can gain a leg up.
I found this. It is slightly awesome.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Impress Your Professor: The Changing Net
Bell’s final pivot point involves new and old anxieties. There are concerns about privacy, trust, security, and now, reliability. There are also concerns about access, reputation/image, participation, sustainability, responsibility, authenticity, authorship, ownership, surveillance and control, cultural health (digital literacy), dumbing down and distinctiveness. The list of things we need to worry about, she says, is expanding quickly.If you were unable to make the Annual Meeting, I suggest checking the story out. Heck, even if you didn't miss the meeting, this review is still a good read.
I for one, find the idea of the Internet as cultural is too often overlooked. What say you?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Kiss Me, I'm Green!
The role of the national library...
A Green Drill Team
Friday, March 13, 2009
Impress Your Professor : What does "The Year of the ebook" mean for YOUR professional life?
Looks like it might behoove all of us to know a thing or two about developing electronic collections. Just FYI, Ned Kraft of the Department of State is teaching a class on just that topic this Summer at CUA-SLIS, and from what I understand he is an expert on the subject.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Books and Beyond
A project in Bloomington, IN.
Canada's Take
A little risque, but completely funny.
Monday, March 9, 2009
EVENT: The Cloud, the Exaflood, and the Internet of Things
Speaker: Michael Nelson
Visiting Professor of Internet Studies in
Georgetown University's Communication, Culture, and Technology Program
Michael Nelson is currently Visiting Professor of Internet Studies in Georgetown University's Communication, Culture, and Technology Program. Since January, he has been doing research and teaching courses on "The Future of the Internet" and Internet governance as well as consulting and speaking on Internet technology and policy.
WHEN: Monday, March 30, 2009
TIME: Dinner 6:30 - 7:00pm / Program 7:00 - 8:30pm
LOCATION: Catholic University of America - Marist Hall, Information Commons
$15 members
$20 non-members
students free, but must register
For directions and registration, click here:
See you there!
Jeff Prater
2008-09 Chair, PVC-ASIST
Friday, March 6, 2009
Impress Your Professor...Copyright Issues
Some authors have weighed in on the issue. Here's what Wil Wheaton had to say. And Neil Gaiman. And Cory Doctorow. Who do you side with?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Spring Beak Fun
Everyone should want to be a librarian
Cat v. Snow
In honor of yesterday's snow day.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Impress Your Professor: Twitter... maybe.
For those of you that are wondering what I'm talking about, Twitter is basically a mini-blog. As if having a blog wasn't enough lets go ahead and have mini blogs. I have a twitter account. I don't usually write anything it's just a great way to cyber stalk people... um... I mean see what your friends are doing. Of course with all new age cyber awesomeness (that is cheap and relatively easy to use) why don't we incorporate it into the library. For anyone that's interested I found a Guide to Twitter in Libraries. I seems like another way for us to get where our users are. What do you think?
Happy Spring Break to all the CUA people!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Lit Quick
Most professors don't like it, and here's why.
Kid Teaches Mom
Kids are awesome.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Impress Your Professor: Word!
If you've never seen or heard of Wordle, it is a program that creates word clouds based on the prominence of a each word's use. It's one of those new fangled ways of reading. While I will argue that it certainly will not replace reading, it does give and interesting spin on how we can absorb the overly meaning or theme of something. These word clouds are interesting because they break an idea, webpage, or speech down into a single, textual image.
For example, the Wordle below is comprised of the text I cut and pasted from the About SLIS webpage. We are dominated by information.
I suggest inputting your own information and seeing what comes out. Warning, this may be addictive.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Find it Fast!
Google it, but better.
This Is Why I Love My Public Library
No lies... I really just wanted to post something about zombies.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Impress Your Valentine
or this one will make you smile...
and especially for people who like cataloging...go to and do a Subject Heading search for "love" will be thrilled and intrigued!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Library Love
In honor of Valentine's Day
Date and Dash
A blind date gone horribly wrong.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Impress Your Professor: New e-book technology on the horizon?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: Economics
We all knew this, but it's nice to see our services in the news.
The Valhalla of Volumes!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Impress Your Professor: Be a fly on the wall!
A coworker of mine told me about the website Userfly. Userfly lets you be that fly on the wall when people visit your websites. Userfly will record the movements and mouse clicks of the people visiting your website and then play them back to you. I actually tried it out and was amazed at how easy it was to install and use.
For anyone looking to do some cheap usability testing on their websites I think Userfly is a great place to start!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
EVENT: When the Human Meets Computers
What: Innovations at the Human Computer Interaction Lab: When the Human Meets Computers: An Afternoon of Technology Previews, Presentations, and Discussion
When: Feb. 20, 2009
For more agenda and registration information, please click HERE.
See you there,
Jeff Prater
2008-09 PVC-ASIST Chair
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
YouTube Tuesday:
A Common Craft introduction to Twitter.
I'm not gonna lie. This video had me genuinely spooked.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Event: Open House
If you have friends, colleagues, relatives who may be considering a career in librarianship, tell them about this opportunity and encourage them to attend. There's more information, and a downloadable flyer you can post, on our website at
Anyone planning to attend should sign up using the online RSVP form, also on the website.
Note for those in the legal community: we'll be holding a special breakout session for prospective law librarians during the second half of the Open House, so please encourage your friends and colleagues to come and find out more about law librarianship and the SLIS program.
If Feb. 21 isn’t a good date, or your friends would prefer another location, we’re planning other open house events as follows. Watch for more details:
February 28: Arlington, Va
March 7: Richmond, Va
May 9: Washington, D.C. (Marist Hall)
Friday, January 23, 2009
Impress Your Professor: Cheap!
This stuff has been around for longer than most people think. The idea of incorporating open source software into our lives is still a rather new concept. If you're still fuzzy on what open source software is, I suggest checking out Scot Colford's introduction in the most recent ASIST bulletin.
The take-away message I found: open source software is higly useful and customizable, but only if we're not afraid of it.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
YouTube Tuesday:
Students Today
What can this video teach us about our patrons?
Insulting Librarian
A study of what not to do.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Impress Your Professor : All Things Inaugural
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
YouTube Tuesday: First Week Fun
Like a producer, with shushing arm action.
Librarian Doo-Wop
Warning: Contains political content
Monday, January 12, 2009
Welcome Back!
We'll start up our regular posting schedule this week.